Test a password

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Test a password

You will need to select a secure password.

  • Be creative
  • Use at least 12 characters
  • Use more than one word if necessary
  • use non-words to break up words
  • Don't believe l00k-a1ik3 replacements are more secure
  • You can do better than aaaa, 7777, ****, etc.
  • click here if you need more help
  • Enter your test password below then click the test password button. We will take a moment to test it against our cracking program. This may take up to a minute for a really good password. If the password is secure enough, our password cracker will say 'Passed!' If this password or a significant portion of it has been published as cracked, the cracker will say 'cracked already' and you should not use this password.

    You can just close this page when you are finished.


    I have created a few passwords for you to use or to be inspired by. I have included a little memory hint for each:

    LscottfpikeAsheet_ (scott-pike-sheet)
    handyJmF&igas (handy-JmF&i-gas)
    qalignVrunneruext^ (align-runner-ext)
    olwovBoasErf3 (ol-wov-Boas-Erf-THREE)
    OybrAufHogCenra (Oybr-Auf-Hog-Cen-ra)
    bakgadPivIbipt (bak-gad-Piv-Ib-ipt)

    Do not copy and paste. Get in the habit of typing your passwords



    If you need help thinking up a good password, you can see 20 new samples here.